Friday, July 16, 2010

Observations on health

It always amazes about the human body, when thinking in a systems sense, the huge amount of focus people put on the inputs (diet), a medium awareness of process (nutrients uptake) and a total taboo concerning discussion / analysis on a major output (waste) of the system. 

In my opinion, the key to a healthy body system needs to start with a clear analysis of the outputs/results you are looking for both in the sense of psychic energy, vibrant tissue and cells, and healthy excrement of waste.

As always with everything, it is a matter of knowledge what to do and then discipline to apply it in life.

Besides the usual tips on diet and exercise for quality outputs, I have come to appreciate these additional jewels of knowledge that I strive to apply (buy haphazardly and usually in cycles).

a. chew - digestion starts in the mouth with saliva breaking down intake. With discipline, chewing each bite 40-50 times brings amazing effects

b. dry skin brushing - using a natural fiber brush at least once a day to strip off dead skin (which is continually replacing itself) is more important to health than hot showers and fancy potions. Short video demo.

c. several times a week nasal rinse (luke warm salt water).  The neti pot, which is so inexpensive and perfectly designed, helps keep away the sinus irritants. Do they work?

d. a weekly dry sauna helps to sweat out the heavy metals and crap through the skin pores; I have a portable home sauna that I've been using for almost 25 years

e. every 12-18 months, a colonic irrigation in a manner similar to an "oil change" in my car. I have the home equipment - I think gravity fed safer and certainly cheaper than commercial pumping systems.

f. drinking plenty of water

Anyway, even as I have come to know these simple tactics, it still takes a big discipline to make them everyday life habits (especially the damn chewing).

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